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Plekhanov University at a Glance

Dear friends, applicants, students and colleagues,

I am glad to greet you on behalf of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Dubai.

PRUE is the first economic higher education institution in Russia, and since then, we have become accustomed to being the first in everything: the first in training the best specialized personnel, the first in the integration of the most advanced technologies and the creation of technological laboratories,

the first in the implementation and support of national and international programs, aimed at ensuring sustainable development and affordable quality education.

The quality education and equal access are a core factors in socio-economic development. Dubai, as a magnet for business, technology and cutting-edge solutions, perfectly suits the interests of the modern student, as well as digital business, marketing and corporate finance programs reflect the interests of the employer.

Providing such opportunities, Plekhanov University indeed unites different people from all over the world, encouraging them to achieve self-fulfilling not only in the studying process, but also at work and in their future life. 
Choosing a university to enroll in is a truly responsible step, which essentially determines future destiny. Everyone makes his own choice, but I can confidently say that Plekhanov University is a place that you will always remember. 

Plekhanov University is a family and I invite you to become a part of it.

Rector of Plekhanov University
Ivan Lobanov

Dubai Knowledge park

About Plekhanov University

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE) was founded in 1907 and stands as Russia's oldest university dedicated to Economics and Business. One of the largest universities, it demonstrates steady growth in the number of students from 13,000 in 2002 to approximately 50,000 in 2023. The University is ranked among Russia’s top 5 universities by RAEX 2022 and holds a position in the top 301-500 bracket in the QS World University Rankings.

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics was the first Russian university to offer economics education. Today, as attention turns towards the MENA Region, Plekhanov University has expanded its global presence by establishing a branch in Dubai, the UAE, starting in 2024. 

Located in Dubai, one of the top world cities, Plekhanov University considers higher education an essential driver of economic competitiveness, innovation, social mobility, security, and well-being. Thus, the University is proud to improve lives and advance regional welfare. 

Plekhanov University aims to become a leader in the domains of economics and management, conducting research work and providing world-class educational services that meet international standards for the quality of science, education, digital economy, and innovation, ensuring the reproduction of new scientific and expert knowledge, social and technological innovations, which implements strategies for advanced lifelong education and, thus, making a substantial contribution to addressing contemporary economic challenges.

Plekhanov University has experienced student enrollments from Europe, Asia, and Middle East. The University employs Russian model of higher education with a credit-hour system. PRUE offers education not only at its main campus in Moscow but also through 15 branches across various cities in the Russian Federation and abroad, including Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armenia, and Mongolia.  More than 50,000 students of higher education and 780 PhD students study at PRUE on the whole, including more than 20,000 students of higher education and 580 PhD students at the main campus. Furthermore, the University hosts approximately 2,500 international students.

Plekhanov University

To be an active player in the UAE's multicultural Higher Education sector, promoting and nurturing professionalism and creativity, to make a continuous and sustainable contribution to the growth and development of the professional workforce. 

Plekhanov University

To contribute to socio-economic developement in the region and countries of its presence by forming human and intellectual capital.

Our Guiding Core Values for Long-term University Development

  • expertise that ensures the high quality of educational activities, the creation of an educational brand of Plekhanov University that meets modern requirements;
  • loyalty to traditions of Plekhanov University;
  • conscientious work, implying initiative, high dedication, and labor discipline;
  • creativity and innovation, which determine the introduction of the most advanced educational technologies in the Plekhanov University;
  • corporate devotion to the University, defending its interests and high reputation;
  • equal opportunities in the field of career growth and self-realization;
  • responsibility for the results of work, expressed in ensuring the professional relevance and competitiveness of Plekhanov University graduates;
  • the dignity of teachers and employees of the University, correlated with the proper social status and respect for teaching work;
  • social orientation, care for people in need, disadvantaged students, veterans, cooperation with social-oriented organizations, volunteering;
  • adherence to the principles of public morality, intolerance to cases of violation of teaching ethics, corruption, and other immoral manifestations;
  • maintenance of a high image of the Plekhanov University outside the corporate space, the desire to increase its rating and popularity.


  • Goal 1

    Bringing the best Programs, Teaching and Learning Practices: To provide the best practices of teaching and learning by bringing internationally certified programs and professors for students and nurturing highly qualified professionals based on UAE’s labor market needs.

  • Goal 2

    Reputation for Academic Excellence and Innovation in Science and Research: To develop a reputation for academic excellence and innovation in the UAE, positioning Plekhanov University as a leading educational institution in the country and region.

  • Goal 3

    Engagement with Industry: To engage with the industry through outreach programs, knowledge-sharing initiatives, mutual projects, and partnerships to make a positive impact on students’ learning and contribute to economic development.

  • Goal 4

    Sustainable Partnerships with Local Community: To cultivate strong and sustainable partnerships with local community organizations, businesses, and government entities to address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, while simultaneously providing meaningful learning and research opportunities for students and faculty.